Discussion questions for a Halloween speaking lesson. Вопросы для обсуждения на английском языке на тему праздника Halloween. Ключевая лексика по теме выделена жирным шрифтом.
План урока: Spooky Halloween — план урока (Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate)
- What do you think about Halloween?
- Do you usually celebrate Halloween?
- How did you celebrate Halloween last year?
- How are you going to celebrate Halloween this year?
- What are some of the symbols of Halloween?
- Did you go trick-or-treating when you were a child?
- Do children in your country play trick-or-treating in your country?
- How old is too old to go trick-or-treating?
- Do you think it’s dangerous these days to open your door to a trick-or-treater?
- Have you ever been to a Halloween party?
- If you were going to a Halloween party, what costume would you choose and why?
- Do you like horror movies? Why?/Why not? If yes, what is your favourite one?
- Are you scared of the dark? Why?/Why not? If no, what is you advice to those who is scared?
- Do you believe in ghosts? Why?/Why not?
- Do you believe in magic? Why?/Why not?
- Di you believe in witches? Why?/Why not?
- Are you scared of spiders? Why?/Why not?
- Are you scared of cemeteries? Why?/Why not?
- Do you decorate your home to celebrate Halloween?
- Have you ever tried carving a jack o’lantern? Why?/Why not? If yes, did you enjoy it?
- One tradition on Halloween is the telling of scary stories. Do you know any scary stories?
- What do you know about the history of Halloween?
- If you could choose to be any monster or creature, what would it be?
- What other countries celebrate Halloween?
- Can you describe the best costume you’ve seen?
- How does Halloween affect your country’s culture?
- What’s the best Halloween movie?
- Do you think Halloween is overrated?
- Do you think Halloween was better a few decades ago or is it better now?
- What do pumpkins have to do with Halloween?
- If you were to add another symbol to Halloween, what would it be?
- What do you think of religious schools who ban Halloween?
- Can you describe your ideal Halloween party?
- Are local traditions changing because of globalisation? Do you see this as a positive or negative thing?
- Do you prefer the face paint and make-up or the costumes best?
- Is Halloween like Christmas in the sense that it is now celebrated in countries where it did not originate?
- Do / Would you always open your door to trick-or-treaters?
- What’s the best Halloween activity?
- Should Halloween costumes only be about scary things, or can they be any kind of costume?
- Should Halloween be a national public holiday?
- Are witches around nowadays?
- Which famous person would you like to go trick-or-treating with, and why?
- What would you do if you saw a ghost?