Discussion questions for an Advertising speaking lesson. Вопросы для обсуждения на английском языке на тему рекламы. Ключевая лексика по теме выделена жирным шрифтом.
Дополнительно: план урока — Advertising
- Do you feel bombarded by advertising?
- Where do you see advertisements nowadays?
- Do you trust advertisements?
- Do you buy advertised products?
- What is the funniest commercial you’ve seen recently?
- Describe the worst advertisement you’ve ever seen.
- Would you like to work in advertising? Why?/Why not?
- Do you think advertising is an art?
- Would you like there to be no ads on the Internet?
- What would the world be like without advertising?
- Have you ever placed an ad or started an advertising campaign?
- Do you think advertising is a clever way of lying about products?
- How much truth is there in advertising?
- What factors are essential in making a good advertisement?
- What products depend most on advertising?
- What do you think of advertisements for language schools?
- Is advertising a good or bad thing?
- What is the most popular way of advertising?
- Do pop-up ads on the Internet bother you?
- Do you agree with an advertising ban on particular groups of products (e.g: cigarettes, alcohol, etc.)?
- What regulations should be applied to adverts to protect consumers?
- Which companies produce the best ads?
- Have you ever been angry about an advert?
- Some people complain that adverts stimulate an excessively consumerist society. What do you think?
- Is there anything that you like about advertisements? If so, what is it?
- How frequently do you buy an item in a shop because you remember the advert?
- Have you ever not bought a product because you were irritated by the advert?
- How often do you click on advertisements on web pages or Google search?
- Are there any things which shouldn’t be advertised?
- Some charities sometimes use shocking images of starving children or abused animals in their advertisements. What do you think of this practice?
- What are your favourite brands? Do these brands advertise? Do you think you like these brands because of their advertising or because of the product? Is it a combination of both?
- Do you think children are affected by advertising more than adults?
- How does your company advertise? Is their strategy successful?
- What do you think about the idea of celebrity endorsement of a company or a particular product?
- What do you think about the use of sex as an advertising strategy?
- To what extent can advertisements change people’s tastes? Can you provide examples to support your idea?
- How much stereotyping (e.g: racial, sexual, gender, age, etc.) is present in advertising today?